Wellfitness, Inc. is now opening its website store front and administration department to independent Contractors in the Health and Fitness industry nationwide. If you are in the Health and fitness industry and would like to expand your clientele, send out professional newsletters nationwide, and operate as a professional business, without big business cost contact us. Here are a few of the benefits in becoming a WFBP.
· You will receive an 866 number with an extension and voice mail and voice to text. An 800 number gives your small business the appearance of a bigger well established business the 800 number eliminates localities which help you take your business to a national level.
· You will receive business cards with your company’s name and your logo
· Your client will receive monthly and or weekly news letters, newsletters are a great way of marketing your products/services to current and new clients
· You will be able to have your clients purchase your products/services online with credit cards as they are directed to your products/services logo and price list via Wellfitness store front website
· If you have service providers that work for you you’ll be able to pay them with direct deposit without the headache of opening and setting up a business e commerce website or checking account
· You will be able to send marketing material to promote your business through Wellfitness, Inc. client data base (not only will your Health/ fitness specials go out to your clients but they will be sent through our entire client data base in your local area or nation wide)
· New clients locally and nationally will be directed to our business partner service logos with the help of Wellfitness client data base and social media such as twitter, facebook, linked in, manta any many more.
To become a Wellfitnessinc.com Business partner send your contact information to wfbp@wellfitnessinc.com to request a WFBP application. or call 1.866.942.5553